Deutsche Zeichentrickfilme G.m.b.H

The Deutsche Zeichentrickfilme GmbH (DZF) (German animated films GmbH) was founded on 25 June 1941 by Reich propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and was clearly seen as an important war facility. It was set up as an alternative to Disney, attempting to rival films such as Mickey Mouse, while spreading the Nazi ideology and propaganda through a less aggressive entertainment source.

Deutsche Zeichentrickfilme G.m.b.H

The Deutsche Zeichentrickfilme GmbH (DZF) (German animated films GmbH) was founded on 25 June 1941 by Reich propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and was clearly seen as an important war facility. It was set up as an alternative to Disney, attempting to rival films such as Mickey Mouse, while spreading the Nazi ideology and propaganda through a less aggressive entertainment source.