Dick and Dom

Dick and Dom are a comedy double act consisting of the presenters Richard "Dick" McCourt and Dominic Wood. They are primarily known for presenting Children's BBC in the 1990s, before moving onto the double BAFTA Award winning Dick and Dom in da Bungalow, a children's entertainment show that was live during weekend mornings on BBC One, CBBC and later BBC Two. The show ran for five series between 2002 and 2006. In February 2013, Dick and Dom were confirmed to be the new voice presenters of the UK version of Takeshi's Castle on Challenge.

Dick and Dom

Dick and Dom are a comedy double act consisting of the presenters Richard "Dick" McCourt and Dominic Wood. They are primarily known for presenting Children's BBC in the 1990s, before moving onto the double BAFTA Award winning Dick and Dom in da Bungalow, a children's entertainment show that was live during weekend mornings on BBC One, CBBC and later BBC Two. The show ran for five series between 2002 and 2006. In February 2013, Dick and Dom were confirmed to be the new voice presenters of the UK version of Takeshi's Castle on Challenge.