Dick in a Box

"Dick in a Box" is the debut single by American comedy troupe The Lonely Island, featuring singer Justin Timberlake. The song and music video debuted on Saturday Night Live as an SNL Digital Short on December 16, 2006. The video depicts two early-1990s R&B ballad singers Andy (Andy Samberg) and Raif (Justin Timberlake) crooning a holiday song about making a gift for their girlfriends of their penises wrapped in boxes (strategically placed) topped with bows.

Dick in a Box

"Dick in a Box" is the debut single by American comedy troupe The Lonely Island, featuring singer Justin Timberlake. The song and music video debuted on Saturday Night Live as an SNL Digital Short on December 16, 2006. The video depicts two early-1990s R&B ballad singers Andy (Andy Samberg) and Raif (Justin Timberlake) crooning a holiday song about making a gift for their girlfriends of their penises wrapped in boxes (strategically placed) topped with bows.