Die Deutschen Konservativen

Die Deutschen Konservativen (The German Conservatives) is a German conservative anti-communist organisation, which developed out of a conservative campaign to support Franz Josef Strauß in the 1980 federal election. Formally established circa 1986, its President was former Berlin Senator for the Interior Heinrich Lummer, and the Chairman was the well-known journalist and later Latvian MP Joachim Siegerist. The organisation was fined in 1987 for "causing offence" to former Chancellor Willy Brandt, in their condemnation of what they saw as his appeasement policies towards communism.

Die Deutschen Konservativen

Die Deutschen Konservativen (The German Conservatives) is a German conservative anti-communist organisation, which developed out of a conservative campaign to support Franz Josef Strauß in the 1980 federal election. Formally established circa 1986, its President was former Berlin Senator for the Interior Heinrich Lummer, and the Chairman was the well-known journalist and later Latvian MP Joachim Siegerist. The organisation was fined in 1987 for "causing offence" to former Chancellor Willy Brandt, in their condemnation of what they saw as his appeasement policies towards communism.