Disgorge Mexico: The DVD

Disgorge Mexico: The DVD is the first video release by Canadian grindcore band Fuck the Facts. The DVD has two parts. The first part is a multi-camera recording of the August 2, 2008 concert in which the band performed their then-newest album Disgorge Mexico live in its entirety. The second part is Disgorge, Mexico: The Movie, a film made by Canadian filmmaker David Hall that is set to the studio recordings of Disgorge Mexico. It includes all of the selections from the album except the first track "Borders."

Disgorge Mexico: The DVD

Disgorge Mexico: The DVD is the first video release by Canadian grindcore band Fuck the Facts. The DVD has two parts. The first part is a multi-camera recording of the August 2, 2008 concert in which the band performed their then-newest album Disgorge Mexico live in its entirety. The second part is Disgorge, Mexico: The Movie, a film made by Canadian filmmaker David Hall that is set to the studio recordings of Disgorge Mexico. It includes all of the selections from the album except the first track "Borders."