Dixmier conjecture

In algebra the Dixmier conjecture, asked by Jacques Dixmier in 1968, is the conjecture that any endomorphism of a Weyl algebra is an automorphism. Tsuchimoto in 2005, and independently Belov-Kanel and Kontsevich in 2007, showed that the Dixmier conjecture is stably equivalent to the Jacobian conjecture.

Dixmier conjecture

In algebra the Dixmier conjecture, asked by Jacques Dixmier in 1968, is the conjecture that any endomorphism of a Weyl algebra is an automorphism. Tsuchimoto in 2005, and independently Belov-Kanel and Kontsevich in 2007, showed that the Dixmier conjecture is stably equivalent to the Jacobian conjecture.