Doctor Father

Doctor Father was the band name used by British musicians Eric Stewart, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme – later of 10cc – for the release of a single, "Umbopo", in August 1970. The trio had already recorded as Hotlegs and had achieved a UK No. 2 hit a month earlier with "Neanderthal Man". In 1972 Stewart, Godley and Creme joined Gouldman to form pop band 10cc.

Doctor Father

Doctor Father was the band name used by British musicians Eric Stewart, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme – later of 10cc – for the release of a single, "Umbopo", in August 1970. The trio had already recorded as Hotlegs and had achieved a UK No. 2 hit a month earlier with "Neanderthal Man". In 1972 Stewart, Godley and Creme joined Gouldman to form pop band 10cc.