Doktor Sleepless

Doktor Sleepless is a monthly comic book series written by Warren Ellis with art by Ivan Rodriguez that is published by Avatar Press, launched in July 2007. The comic draws from a wide range of ideas – from futurism and transhumanism to corporatism and counter-culture. Ellis compares the series to his earlier fan-favorite work on Transmetropolitan, published under the DC Comics imprint, Vertigo.

Doktor Sleepless

Doktor Sleepless is a monthly comic book series written by Warren Ellis with art by Ivan Rodriguez that is published by Avatar Press, launched in July 2007. The comic draws from a wide range of ideas – from futurism and transhumanism to corporatism and counter-culture. Ellis compares the series to his earlier fan-favorite work on Transmetropolitan, published under the DC Comics imprint, Vertigo.