Dom-Römer Project

The Dom-Römer Project (German: Dom-Römer-Projekt) is an effort to make the old city center, the Altstadt (old town) of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which was obliterated in the previous world war, look as if the war had never happened. It aims to give the old town quarter between the Römerberg square and the Frankfurt Cathedral (Dom) a new life. The old city had already been thoroughly changed in 1904 by hewing several aisles for wide streets into the medieval cluster of insalubrious houslets and small alley ways, clearing the way for the tramway line thru the historic center.

Dom-Römer Project

The Dom-Römer Project (German: Dom-Römer-Projekt) is an effort to make the old city center, the Altstadt (old town) of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, which was obliterated in the previous world war, look as if the war had never happened. It aims to give the old town quarter between the Römerberg square and the Frankfurt Cathedral (Dom) a new life. The old city had already been thoroughly changed in 1904 by hewing several aisles for wide streets into the medieval cluster of insalubrious houslets and small alley ways, clearing the way for the tramway line thru the historic center.