Donà family

The Donà, also known as Donato, are an old patrician family in Venice, which produced at least three Doges. Members include * Francesco Donà: 79th Doge (1545–1553) * Leonardo Donà: 90th Doge (1606–1612) * Nicolo Donà: 93rd Doge (April 10 – May 9, 1618) The family had owned various properties, including: * Palazzo Donà, Venice * Palazzo Donà-Ottobon, Venice

Donà family

The Donà, also known as Donato, are an old patrician family in Venice, which produced at least three Doges. Members include * Francesco Donà: 79th Doge (1545–1553) * Leonardo Donà: 90th Doge (1606–1612) * Nicolo Donà: 93rd Doge (April 10 – May 9, 1618) The family had owned various properties, including: * Palazzo Donà, Venice * Palazzo Donà-Ottobon, Venice