Double Door

Double Door is a concert hall and nightclub located at 1572 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood. The venue was first opened on June 12, 1994, and is co-owned by Sean Mulroney and Joe Shanahan. On June 12, 1994, under its current ownership, the Double Door hosted its first show, Lloyd Cole; the same week, the Smashing Pumpkins played under the name the Starchildren. The venue has a capacity of 473 people. It is two floors, has a stage, separate soundboards for both main and monitor speakers, a dance floor and a bar. A second bar is located downstairs in Door No. 3.

Double Door

Double Door is a concert hall and nightclub located at 1572 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood. The venue was first opened on June 12, 1994, and is co-owned by Sean Mulroney and Joe Shanahan. On June 12, 1994, under its current ownership, the Double Door hosted its first show, Lloyd Cole; the same week, the Smashing Pumpkins played under the name the Starchildren. The venue has a capacity of 473 people. It is two floors, has a stage, separate soundboards for both main and monitor speakers, a dance floor and a bar. A second bar is located downstairs in Door No. 3.