Duck! The Carbine High Massacre

Duck! The Carbine High Massacre is a 1999 American black comedy crime film about a fictional school shooting. It was one of the first films inspired by the Columbine High School massacre. Released less than a year after the Columbine event, it was written, produced, and directed by William Hellfire and Joey Smack, who also starred. After the film was released, Hellfire and Smack were arrested for possession of weapons on school property. The film is said to have helped pay for Hellfire's legal fees.

Duck! The Carbine High Massacre

Duck! The Carbine High Massacre is a 1999 American black comedy crime film about a fictional school shooting. It was one of the first films inspired by the Columbine High School massacre. Released less than a year after the Columbine event, it was written, produced, and directed by William Hellfire and Joey Smack, who also starred. After the film was released, Hellfire and Smack were arrested for possession of weapons on school property. The film is said to have helped pay for Hellfire's legal fees.