E! Hollywood Hold'em

E! Hollywood Hold'em is a poker television program. It aired in 2005 on the E! television network. The show featured young celebrities (including co-executive producer Laura Prepon and brothers Chris and Danny Masterson) hosting single table Texas hold em tournaments at their homes. The winner of each tournament pocketed $10,000. Professional poker player Phil Laak served as host and dealer, offering occasional tips to the players and home viewers.

E! Hollywood Hold'em

E! Hollywood Hold'em is a poker television program. It aired in 2005 on the E! television network. The show featured young celebrities (including co-executive producer Laura Prepon and brothers Chris and Danny Masterson) hosting single table Texas hold em tournaments at their homes. The winner of each tournament pocketed $10,000. Professional poker player Phil Laak served as host and dealer, offering occasional tips to the players and home viewers.