E. & H. T. Anthony & Company

E. & H. T. Anthony & Company was the largest supplier and distributors of photographic supplies in the United States during the 19th century. Company founder Edward Anthony, a Columbia College trained civil engineer who had studied photography with Samuel F.B Morse, started in the photography business in 1842 by opening a Daguerreotype gallery in New York. Five years later he opened a separate shop devoted exclusively to photographic supplies and as sales grew rapidly ceased operations in his daguerrotypist gallery. In 1850 Anthony began the production of daguerreotype cases, camera boxes, and photographic chemicals. His brother, Henry T. Anthony, joined the business two years later in 1852The Anthony brothers' factory was located at New York City's Harlem Railroad Depot occupying 1/4 of t

E. & H. T. Anthony & Company

E. & H. T. Anthony & Company was the largest supplier and distributors of photographic supplies in the United States during the 19th century. Company founder Edward Anthony, a Columbia College trained civil engineer who had studied photography with Samuel F.B Morse, started in the photography business in 1842 by opening a Daguerreotype gallery in New York. Five years later he opened a separate shop devoted exclusively to photographic supplies and as sales grew rapidly ceased operations in his daguerrotypist gallery. In 1850 Anthony began the production of daguerreotype cases, camera boxes, and photographic chemicals. His brother, Henry T. Anthony, joined the business two years later in 1852The Anthony brothers' factory was located at New York City's Harlem Railroad Depot occupying 1/4 of t