Egyptian Regulatory Reform and Development Activity (ERRADA) is an Egyptian initiative to support the government’s efforts to build a regulatory management system to review and streamline business related regulations. The Initiative was officially launched in 2008 by Ministerial Decree No. 1089/2008, which stipulated that it operates under the Sub-cabinet Committee for the Productive Sector. In March 2011, Prime Minister Decision 436/2011 assigned oversight of ERRADA to the Sub-cabinet Committee for Monitoring Economic Performance, chaired by the Minister of Finance. Vision Mission Objectives


Egyptian Regulatory Reform and Development Activity (ERRADA) is an Egyptian initiative to support the government’s efforts to build a regulatory management system to review and streamline business related regulations. The Initiative was officially launched in 2008 by Ministerial Decree No. 1089/2008, which stipulated that it operates under the Sub-cabinet Committee for the Productive Sector. In March 2011, Prime Minister Decision 436/2011 assigned oversight of ERRADA to the Sub-cabinet Committee for Monitoring Economic Performance, chaired by the Minister of Finance. Vision Mission Objectives