Eagle (Mainframe Application Server)

EAGLE is a Web-based, mainframe-powered application server which provides direct, secure, high performance Internet access to mainframe computer data and transactions using real-time transaction processing rather than middleware or external gateways. Originally based in an IBM 3270 environment developed at the University of Florida to reduce the delivery time of student record applications, the engine was configured for the Web in 1996 and removed the need for a screen scraping interface.

Eagle (Mainframe Application Server)

EAGLE is a Web-based, mainframe-powered application server which provides direct, secure, high performance Internet access to mainframe computer data and transactions using real-time transaction processing rather than middleware or external gateways. Originally based in an IBM 3270 environment developed at the University of Florida to reduce the delivery time of student record applications, the engine was configured for the Web in 1996 and removed the need for a screen scraping interface.