Earth Rot

Earth Rot is a 1970 album by David Axelrod. The tracks on side 1, "The Warnings", include lyrics adapted from the Book of Isaiah, while the songs on side 2, "The Signs", include lyrics adapted from "Song Of The Earth Spirit", a Navajo creation legend. Earth Rot is in effect a cantata for the planet, or, in Axe's own words "contemporary music with ancient yet timely words set to the theme of ecology."

Earth Rot

Earth Rot is a 1970 album by David Axelrod. The tracks on side 1, "The Warnings", include lyrics adapted from the Book of Isaiah, while the songs on side 2, "The Signs", include lyrics adapted from "Song Of The Earth Spirit", a Navajo creation legend. Earth Rot is in effect a cantata for the planet, or, in Axe's own words "contemporary music with ancient yet timely words set to the theme of ecology."