East Branch Roaring Brook

East Branch Roaring Brook is a tributary of Roaring Brook in Wayne County and Lackawanna County, in Pennsylvania in the United States. It is approximately 3.7 miles (6.0 km) long and flows through Sterling Township in Wayne County and Madison Township and Covington Township in Lackawanna County. The watershed of the stream has an area of 5.90 square miles (15.3 km2). Wild trout naturally reproduce within the stream and many macroinvertebrate taxa inhabit it. The surficial geology in the area consists of Wisconsinan Till, Wisconsinan Ice-Contact Stratified Drift, alluvium, bedrock, fill, sand and gravel pits, and wetlands.

East Branch Roaring Brook

East Branch Roaring Brook is a tributary of Roaring Brook in Wayne County and Lackawanna County, in Pennsylvania in the United States. It is approximately 3.7 miles (6.0 km) long and flows through Sterling Township in Wayne County and Madison Township and Covington Township in Lackawanna County. The watershed of the stream has an area of 5.90 square miles (15.3 km2). Wild trout naturally reproduce within the stream and many macroinvertebrate taxa inhabit it. The surficial geology in the area consists of Wisconsinan Till, Wisconsinan Ice-Contact Stratified Drift, alluvium, bedrock, fill, sand and gravel pits, and wetlands.