Eclipse Che

Eclipse Che is an open-source Java based developer workspace server and cloud integrated development environment (IDE) which provides a remote development platform for multi-user purpose. The workspace server comes with a RESTful webservice and provides high flexibility. It also contains a SDK which can be used to create plug-ins for languages, frameworks or tools. The main difference between Eclipse Che and the standard Eclipse IDE is its ability to create Docker containers to execute applications. Eclipse Che is an Eclipse Cloud Development (ECD) top-level project, and all contributions are welcomed and encouraged.

Eclipse Che

Eclipse Che is an open-source Java based developer workspace server and cloud integrated development environment (IDE) which provides a remote development platform for multi-user purpose. The workspace server comes with a RESTful webservice and provides high flexibility. It also contains a SDK which can be used to create plug-ins for languages, frameworks or tools. The main difference between Eclipse Che and the standard Eclipse IDE is its ability to create Docker containers to execute applications. Eclipse Che is an Eclipse Cloud Development (ECD) top-level project, and all contributions are welcomed and encouraged.