El Tanbura

El Tanbura is an Egyptian band. It was gradually formed in the late 1980s by Zakaria Ibrahim, the organizer. Zakaria Ibrahim was deeply effected by the Suhbaguyya when he heard about it in Port Said, he was only a young boy. He returned to Port Said in 1980 when he is a full grown-up. He found that the musical condition in Port Said is critical. In order to rescue the traditional Egyptian music, he spent 9 years to look for the old masters and established friendship and tried to convince the musicians to perform once again. He hoped to remind the people of Port Said of the original spiritual feeling at the core of the music before it was lost forever.

El Tanbura

El Tanbura is an Egyptian band. It was gradually formed in the late 1980s by Zakaria Ibrahim, the organizer. Zakaria Ibrahim was deeply effected by the Suhbaguyya when he heard about it in Port Said, he was only a young boy. He returned to Port Said in 1980 when he is a full grown-up. He found that the musical condition in Port Said is critical. In order to rescue the traditional Egyptian music, he spent 9 years to look for the old masters and established friendship and tried to convince the musicians to perform once again. He hoped to remind the people of Port Said of the original spiritual feeling at the core of the music before it was lost forever.