El hogar que yo robé

El hogar que yo robé (English title: I Stole home) is a Mexican telenovela produced by Valentín Pimstein for Canal de las Estrellas in 1981. Angélica María starred has dual role as protagonist/antagonist, Juan Ferrara starred as protagonist, while Angélica Aragón starred as antagonist. Virginia Manzano, Aldo Monti and Socorro Bonilla starred as stellar performances.

El hogar que yo robé

El hogar que yo robé (English title: I Stole home) is a Mexican telenovela produced by Valentín Pimstein for Canal de las Estrellas in 1981. Angélica María starred has dual role as protagonist/antagonist, Juan Ferrara starred as protagonist, while Angélica Aragón starred as antagonist. Virginia Manzano, Aldo Monti and Socorro Bonilla starred as stellar performances.