
eldiario.es is a Spanish online newspaper. It was created in 2012 and published only in Spanish; it is available since 18 September 2012. eldiario.es is managed by Ignacio Escolar, journalist who was founder and former director of Público, a newspaper disappeared today. eldiario.es groups on its staff former journalists of Público until the closure of its paper edition. It is edited by the company Diario de Prensa Digital S.L. eldiario.es recognizes that in August 2013 had revenues of 841,744 euro and 842,123 in expenses, with losses of 379 euro. eldiario.es edits every three months a magazine paper, monographic, called Cuadernos.


eldiario.es is a Spanish online newspaper. It was created in 2012 and published only in Spanish; it is available since 18 September 2012. eldiario.es is managed by Ignacio Escolar, journalist who was founder and former director of Público, a newspaper disappeared today. eldiario.es groups on its staff former journalists of Público until the closure of its paper edition. It is edited by the company Diario de Prensa Digital S.L. eldiario.es recognizes that in August 2013 had revenues of 841,744 euro and 842,123 in expenses, with losses of 379 euro. eldiario.es edits every three months a magazine paper, monographic, called Cuadernos.