Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja

Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja (commonly abbreviated eRT) is the web-based outlet for publication of laws and official announcements of the Republic of Estonia. It is modelled after the older paper-based publication, Riigi Teataja. Under Estonian law, Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja is since 1 June 2002 considered the authoritative reference source for laws of Estonia. Just like Riigi Teataja, eRT is published by Riigikantselei.

Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja

Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja (commonly abbreviated eRT) is the web-based outlet for publication of laws and official announcements of the Republic of Estonia. It is modelled after the older paper-based publication, Riigi Teataja. Under Estonian law, Elektrooniline Riigi Teataja is since 1 June 2002 considered the authoritative reference source for laws of Estonia. Just like Riigi Teataja, eRT is published by Riigikantselei.