
Endianness is the order of the bytes that compose a digital word in computer memory. It also describes the order of byte transmission over a digital link. Words may be represented in big-endian or little-endian format. When storing a word in big-endian format the most significant byte, which is the byte containing the most significant bit, is stored first and the following bytes are stored in decreasing significance order with the least significant byte, which is the byte containing the least significant bit, thus being stored at last place. Little-endian format reverses the order of the sequence and stores the least significant byte at the first location with the most significant byte being stored last. The order of bits within a byte can also have endianness (as discussed later); however


Endianness is the order of the bytes that compose a digital word in computer memory. It also describes the order of byte transmission over a digital link. Words may be represented in big-endian or little-endian format. When storing a word in big-endian format the most significant byte, which is the byte containing the most significant bit, is stored first and the following bytes are stored in decreasing significance order with the least significant byte, which is the byte containing the least significant bit, thus being stored at last place. Little-endian format reverses the order of the sequence and stores the least significant byte at the first location with the most significant byte being stored last. The order of bits within a byte can also have endianness (as discussed later); however