Estonian Information Technology College

The Estonian Information Technology College (EITC) (Estonian: Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž (EIK)) is a private non-profit institution of professional higher education (university of applied sciences) in Estonia, located in Tallinn. EITC provides Estonian applied higher education diploma-level (at least 180 ECTS credit points; equal to the Bachelor's degree under the Bologna process) education in information technology in four main programmes (IT Systems Administration, IT Systems Development, Information Systems Analysis and Technical Communication), carries out shorter-term vocational training programmes as well as various R&D-oriented activities.

Estonian Information Technology College

The Estonian Information Technology College (EITC) (Estonian: Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž (EIK)) is a private non-profit institution of professional higher education (university of applied sciences) in Estonia, located in Tallinn. EITC provides Estonian applied higher education diploma-level (at least 180 ECTS credit points; equal to the Bachelor's degree under the Bologna process) education in information technology in four main programmes (IT Systems Administration, IT Systems Development, Information Systems Analysis and Technical Communication), carries out shorter-term vocational training programmes as well as various R&D-oriented activities.