Ethiopian banana frog

The Ethiopian Banana Frog (Afrixalus enseticola) is a small frog that is endemic to Ethiopia. They live in altitudes of 1700-2750 meters on both sides of the Great Rift Valley in the Ethiopian Highlands. It is classified as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List (2004) due to decline of forested habitat in the Highlands. An adult Ethiopian Banana Frog only reaches a length of 20-28 mm.

Ethiopian banana frog

The Ethiopian Banana Frog (Afrixalus enseticola) is a small frog that is endemic to Ethiopia. They live in altitudes of 1700-2750 meters on both sides of the Great Rift Valley in the Ethiopian Highlands. It is classified as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List (2004) due to decline of forested habitat in the Highlands. An adult Ethiopian Banana Frog only reaches a length of 20-28 mm.