Etsi de statu

Etsi de statu was a papal bull issued by Pope Boniface VIII in July 1297. The bull was essentially a revocation of a bull issued the previous year, Clericis laicos. Whereas Clericis laicos had prohibited the taxation of clerical property by lay authorities without the explicit consent of the papacy, Etsi de statu allowed it in cases of emergency. The Pope had to back down and issue the more accommodating Etsi de statu.

Etsi de statu

Etsi de statu was a papal bull issued by Pope Boniface VIII in July 1297. The bull was essentially a revocation of a bull issued the previous year, Clericis laicos. Whereas Clericis laicos had prohibited the taxation of clerical property by lay authorities without the explicit consent of the papacy, Etsi de statu allowed it in cases of emergency. The Pope had to back down and issue the more accommodating Etsi de statu.