
A Eurocrat (a portmanteau of "European" and "bureaucrat") is "a staff member of the administrative commission of the European Union" or more broadly, any official of the European Union. The term was coined by Richard Mayne, a journalist and personal assistant to the first Commission president, Walter Hallstein, in 1961. Nowadays the term Eurocrat has come to encompass staff from all EU Institutions and not only staff from the European Commission.


A Eurocrat (a portmanteau of "European" and "bureaucrat") is "a staff member of the administrative commission of the European Union" or more broadly, any official of the European Union. The term was coined by Richard Mayne, a journalist and personal assistant to the first Commission president, Walter Hallstein, in 1961. Nowadays the term Eurocrat has come to encompass staff from all EU Institutions and not only staff from the European Commission.