
Everwood is an American drama television series that initially aired in the United States on The WB. The series is set in the fictional small town of Everwood, Colorado, and was filmed in Ogden, South Salt Lake, Draper, Utah, and Park City, Utah except the series pilot which was filmed in Canmore, Alberta, Denver, Colorado and Calgary. It is primarily a drama with some comedic moments. Everwood ran for four seasons from 2002 to 2006. It was not renewed for future production and did not return when The WB and UPN merged to form The CW.


Everwood is an American drama television series that initially aired in the United States on The WB. The series is set in the fictional small town of Everwood, Colorado, and was filmed in Ogden, South Salt Lake, Draper, Utah, and Park City, Utah except the series pilot which was filmed in Canmore, Alberta, Denver, Colorado and Calgary. It is primarily a drama with some comedic moments. Everwood ran for four seasons from 2002 to 2006. It was not renewed for future production and did not return when The WB and UPN merged to form The CW.