Expanded Books

The Expanded Books Project was an undertaking at The Voyager Company during 1991, that investigated ideas on how a book could be presented on a computer screen in a way that would be both familiar and useful to regular book readers. The Expanded Books focused on perfecting font choice, font size, line spacing, margin notes, book marks, and other publishing details to work in digital format. All programming for the Expanded Books and Toolkit was in HyperCard, with the exception of a few XCMDs and strings stored as resources.

Expanded Books

The Expanded Books Project was an undertaking at The Voyager Company during 1991, that investigated ideas on how a book could be presented on a computer screen in a way that would be both familiar and useful to regular book readers. The Expanded Books focused on perfecting font choice, font size, line spacing, margin notes, book marks, and other publishing details to work in digital format. All programming for the Expanded Books and Toolkit was in HyperCard, with the exception of a few XCMDs and strings stored as resources.