Fairford Five

The Fairford Five was a group of five British peace protesters who broke into the RAF Fairford military air base in 2003 and disabled equipment in order to disrupt military operations at the start of the Iraq War. The group was given its name by supporters and by articles in the press reporting on the event and the judicial trials which followed. Two members of the group had previously been members of Trident Ploughshares. The case which followed resulted in the first occurrence of a High court judge being called upon to pronounce on the legality of a war.

Fairford Five

The Fairford Five was a group of five British peace protesters who broke into the RAF Fairford military air base in 2003 and disabled equipment in order to disrupt military operations at the start of the Iraq War. The group was given its name by supporters and by articles in the press reporting on the event and the judicial trials which followed. Two members of the group had previously been members of Trident Ploughshares. The case which followed resulted in the first occurrence of a High court judge being called upon to pronounce on the legality of a war.