Fancy Bear

Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group and Sednit) is a cyber espionage group. Likely operating since 2007, the group is known to target government, military, and security organizations. It has been characterized as an advanced persistent threat (APT) and is thought to have connections to the Russian government. Fancy Bear employs spear phishing attacks, using malware to gain control of systems via a command and control infrastructure.

Fancy Bear

Fancy Bear (also known as APT28, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group and Sednit) is a cyber espionage group. Likely operating since 2007, the group is known to target government, military, and security organizations. It has been characterized as an advanced persistent threat (APT) and is thought to have connections to the Russian government. Fancy Bear employs spear phishing attacks, using malware to gain control of systems via a command and control infrastructure.