Farm Boy

Farm Boy is an Ottawa-based Eastern Ontario regional supermarket chain that sells primarily fresh produce, baked goods, organic foods, dairy, deli, meat, fish and some prepared products (usually with no additives or preservatives) including a private label line. The company started in December 1981, with its first store in Cornwall, Ontario. Its primary jingle is It's a farm boy day, so shop the farm boy way. Its current slogan can be found under the Farm Boy sign on its stores, "It's All About The Food."

Farm Boy

Farm Boy is an Ottawa-based Eastern Ontario regional supermarket chain that sells primarily fresh produce, baked goods, organic foods, dairy, deli, meat, fish and some prepared products (usually with no additives or preservatives) including a private label line. The company started in December 1981, with its first store in Cornwall, Ontario. Its primary jingle is It's a farm boy day, so shop the farm boy way. Its current slogan can be found under the Farm Boy sign on its stores, "It's All About The Food."