Fell (comics)

Fell is an American comic book, written by Warren Ellis, illustrated by Ben Templesmith, and published by Image Comics. It has received two Eisner Awards nominations, for Best New Series and Best Continuing Series. It began publication in 2005 and has been on hiatus since 2008, awaiting the release of its tenth installment. In a 2013 interview, Templesmith stated, "There’s one issue done and I could have it illustrated tomorrow and Image won’t print it. They would want two or three more issues of script written in the can, because they’re not going to release one issue of a monthly book once every two years." Ellis has also made statements online indicating that once the series does return it may be short lived, saying that they would like to finish "the intended final seven issues".

Fell (comics)

Fell is an American comic book, written by Warren Ellis, illustrated by Ben Templesmith, and published by Image Comics. It has received two Eisner Awards nominations, for Best New Series and Best Continuing Series. It began publication in 2005 and has been on hiatus since 2008, awaiting the release of its tenth installment. In a 2013 interview, Templesmith stated, "There’s one issue done and I could have it illustrated tomorrow and Image won’t print it. They would want two or three more issues of script written in the can, because they’re not going to release one issue of a monthly book once every two years." Ellis has also made statements online indicating that once the series does return it may be short lived, saying that they would like to finish "the intended final seven issues".