Fellowship of Christian Assemblies

The Fellowship of Christian Assemblies (FCA) is a pentecostal Christian association with roots in a revival during the 1890s among the Scandinavian Baptist and Pietist communities in the United States. In 1907 most of those congregations that experienced revival (many named Guds forsamling - Assembly of God in Norsk) learned about the Pentecostal movement through William Howard Durham Mission in Chicago. One of his assistant elders, F. A. Sandgren, published the Folke-Vennena a periodical for Scandinavians, and consequently many Midwest churches joined the Pentecostal movement.

Fellowship of Christian Assemblies

The Fellowship of Christian Assemblies (FCA) is a pentecostal Christian association with roots in a revival during the 1890s among the Scandinavian Baptist and Pietist communities in the United States. In 1907 most of those congregations that experienced revival (many named Guds forsamling - Assembly of God in Norsk) learned about the Pentecostal movement through William Howard Durham Mission in Chicago. One of his assistant elders, F. A. Sandgren, published the Folke-Vennena a periodical for Scandinavians, and consequently many Midwest churches joined the Pentecostal movement.