Ferdomhnach Dall

Ferdomhnach Dall, Lector of Kildare and harpist, died 1110. The Annals of Ulster for 1110 list the death of three Irish churchmen, including: Ferdomhnach Dall fer leiginn Cille Dara .i. sui cruitirechta Ferdomnach the blind, lector of Cell Dara, i.e. a master of harping

Ferdomhnach Dall

Ferdomhnach Dall, Lector of Kildare and harpist, died 1110. The Annals of Ulster for 1110 list the death of three Irish churchmen, including: Ferdomhnach Dall fer leiginn Cille Dara .i. sui cruitirechta Ferdomnach the blind, lector of Cell Dara, i.e. a master of harping