Filmarchiv Austria

The Filmarchiv Austria ("Austrian Film Archive") is an organisation for the discovery, reconstruction and preservation of Austrian film record material: films themselves, literature about film and cinema, or film-related periodicals. With over 100,000 film titles, 2,000,000 photographs and stills, 25,000 cinema programmes, 10,000 film posters, 30,000 books, and an extensive collection of apparatus, documents and costumes, it is the largest such organisation in Austria. The Filmarchiv Austria is a member of FIAF (the International Federation of Film Archives).

Filmarchiv Austria

The Filmarchiv Austria ("Austrian Film Archive") is an organisation for the discovery, reconstruction and preservation of Austrian film record material: films themselves, literature about film and cinema, or film-related periodicals. With over 100,000 film titles, 2,000,000 photographs and stills, 25,000 cinema programmes, 10,000 film posters, 30,000 books, and an extensive collection of apparatus, documents and costumes, it is the largest such organisation in Austria. The Filmarchiv Austria is a member of FIAF (the International Federation of Film Archives).