Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (ファイナルファンタジークリスタルクロニクル クリスタルベアラー) is an action-adventure game for the Wii, first announced to the public at E3 in May 2006 and was released on November 12, in Japan and on December 26, 2009, in North America. The game takes place in the world of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles at a time when magic is banned, but some people are still born with such powers and are called "Crystal Bearers". In this time of imbalance between technology and magic, a group of friends must fight against a threat to the Crystal Bearers and to civilization itself.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (ファイナルファンタジークリスタルクロニクル クリスタルベアラー) is an action-adventure game for the Wii, first announced to the public at E3 in May 2006 and was released on November 12, in Japan and on December 26, 2009, in North America. The game takes place in the world of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles at a time when magic is banned, but some people are still born with such powers and are called "Crystal Bearers". In this time of imbalance between technology and magic, a group of friends must fight against a threat to the Crystal Bearers and to civilization itself.