Five Star Movement

The Five Star Movement (Italian: Movimento 5 Stelle [moviˈmento ˈtʃiŋkwe ˈstelle], M5S) is a political party in Italy started by Beppe Grillo, a popular comedian and blogger, and Gianroberto Casaleggio, a web strategist, on 4 October 2009. After Casaleggio's death in April 2016, the party has been led by Grillo and a Directorate composed of five leading MPs, until October 2016 when, after some troubles and scandals, Grillo announced the end of the Directorate and proclamed himself "Political Head" of the movement.

Five Star Movement

The Five Star Movement (Italian: Movimento 5 Stelle [moviˈmento ˈtʃiŋkwe ˈstelle], M5S) is a political party in Italy started by Beppe Grillo, a popular comedian and blogger, and Gianroberto Casaleggio, a web strategist, on 4 October 2009. After Casaleggio's death in April 2016, the party has been led by Grillo and a Directorate composed of five leading MPs, until October 2016 when, after some troubles and scandals, Grillo announced the end of the Directorate and proclamed himself "Political Head" of the movement.