Flanagan Hotel (New York)

The Flanagan Hotel In Malone, New York was built in 1917, is the second hotel of this name to be located on the corner of East Main street and Elm Street in the Village of Malone. The Flanagan family owned a much smaller hotel at this location which was founded in 1857. The older hotel was a meeting place during the historical Fenian Raids. The Current building is still to date the largest building in the historic downtown of Malone. In the Flanagan's hay day it was said by locals and travelers alike that it was the largest hotel north of Albany, New York . The hotel suffered a horrendous fire in 1997 supposedly started by someone falling asleep while smoking on their bed in their hotel room. The building from the fire,in 1997, to 2007 was undisturbed. The Flanagan is thought to be an eyes

Flanagan Hotel (New York)

The Flanagan Hotel In Malone, New York was built in 1917, is the second hotel of this name to be located on the corner of East Main street and Elm Street in the Village of Malone. The Flanagan family owned a much smaller hotel at this location which was founded in 1857. The older hotel was a meeting place during the historical Fenian Raids. The Current building is still to date the largest building in the historic downtown of Malone. In the Flanagan's hay day it was said by locals and travelers alike that it was the largest hotel north of Albany, New York . The hotel suffered a horrendous fire in 1997 supposedly started by someone falling asleep while smoking on their bed in their hotel room. The building from the fire,in 1997, to 2007 was undisturbed. The Flanagan is thought to be an eyes