Florida Gators baseball

The Florida Gators baseball team represents the University of Florida in the sport of baseball. The Florida Gators compete in Division I of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), and the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). They play their home games in Alfred A. McKethan Stadium on the university's Gainesville, Florida campus, and are currently led by head coach Kevin O'Sullivan. In the ninety-eight season history of the Gators baseball program, the team has won thirteen SEC championships and has appeared in nine College World Series tournaments.

Florida Gators baseball

The Florida Gators baseball team represents the University of Florida in the sport of baseball. The Florida Gators compete in Division I of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), and the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). They play their home games in Alfred A. McKethan Stadium on the university's Gainesville, Florida campus, and are currently led by head coach Kevin O'Sullivan. In the ninety-eight season history of the Gators baseball program, the team has won thirteen SEC championships and has appeared in nine College World Series tournaments.