Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider (born Eugene Fitzherbert) is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 50th animated feature film Tangled, and its short film Tangled Ever After. The character is voiced by American actor Zachary Levi, who decided to audition for the role upon learning that he would also be providing the character's singing voice. Levi's duet with singer and co-star Mandy Moore, "I See the Light", would go on to become the actor's first professionally recorded song and musical debut.

Flynn Rider

Flynn Rider (born Eugene Fitzherbert) is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios' 50th animated feature film Tangled, and its short film Tangled Ever After. The character is voiced by American actor Zachary Levi, who decided to audition for the role upon learning that he would also be providing the character's singing voice. Levi's duet with singer and co-star Mandy Moore, "I See the Light", would go on to become the actor's first professionally recorded song and musical debut.