
Fooblitzky is a board game-style computer game published by Infocom in 1985 and designed by a team including interactive fiction authors Marc Blank and Michael Berlyn. It is unique among Infocom titles for not being interactive fiction and for being the first to incorporate graphics beyond ASCII characters. Like most Infocom titles, it was written in highly portable ZIL, but was only made available for the Apple II, IBM PC, and the Atari 8-bit family. It was not ported to the most popular home computer of the time, the Commodore 64.


Fooblitzky is a board game-style computer game published by Infocom in 1985 and designed by a team including interactive fiction authors Marc Blank and Michael Berlyn. It is unique among Infocom titles for not being interactive fiction and for being the first to incorporate graphics beyond ASCII characters. Like most Infocom titles, it was written in highly portable ZIL, but was only made available for the Apple II, IBM PC, and the Atari 8-bit family. It was not ported to the most popular home computer of the time, the Commodore 64.