Foreman of Signals (Information Systems)

A soldier selected for Foreman of Signals (Information Systems) training must be a SNCO Class 1 Communications Systems Engineer. They will normally hold a foundation degree Military Information Systems. On completion of the course, the soldier is promoted to Staff Sergeant if the rank is not already held, and assumes the appointment of Foreman of Signals (IS) and awarded a BSc (Hons) Management Information Systems. The holder of the appointment can be promoted through the ranks in line with current military policy from Staff Sergeant, to Warrant Officer Class 2, then Warrant Officer Class 1. To distinguish the appointment the suffix of (FofS IS) is used (i.e. SSgt(FofS IS), WO2(FofS IS), WO1(FofS IS).

Foreman of Signals (Information Systems)

A soldier selected for Foreman of Signals (Information Systems) training must be a SNCO Class 1 Communications Systems Engineer. They will normally hold a foundation degree Military Information Systems. On completion of the course, the soldier is promoted to Staff Sergeant if the rank is not already held, and assumes the appointment of Foreman of Signals (IS) and awarded a BSc (Hons) Management Information Systems. The holder of the appointment can be promoted through the ranks in line with current military policy from Staff Sergeant, to Warrant Officer Class 2, then Warrant Officer Class 1. To distinguish the appointment the suffix of (FofS IS) is used (i.e. SSgt(FofS IS), WO2(FofS IS), WO1(FofS IS).