Forward Operating Base Gibraltar

FOB Gibraltar was a British-manned Forward Operating Base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan next to the Helmand River, near the town of Sangin. It was named after the port of Gibraltar, which was the lynchpin of British Naval dominance in the Mediterranean. The mission for FOB Gibraltar was to train and support Afghan soldiers and take Taliban pressure off the Sangin area, so that the soldiers and the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) could try to secure the population while improving their quality of life.

Forward Operating Base Gibraltar

FOB Gibraltar was a British-manned Forward Operating Base in Helmand Province, Afghanistan next to the Helmand River, near the town of Sangin. It was named after the port of Gibraltar, which was the lynchpin of British Naval dominance in the Mediterranean. The mission for FOB Gibraltar was to train and support Afghan soldiers and take Taliban pressure off the Sangin area, so that the soldiers and the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) could try to secure the population while improving their quality of life.