Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum

Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum (Old Norse for "Of Fornjot and His Kinsmen") is legendary saga consisting of a collection of three works on the foundation of Norway: * Hversu Noregr byggðist ("How Norway was inhabited") * Fundinn Noregr ("Foundation of Norway") * Af Upplendinga konungum ("Of the Kings of the Uplands")

Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum

Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum (Old Norse for "Of Fornjot and His Kinsmen") is legendary saga consisting of a collection of three works on the foundation of Norway: * Hversu Noregr byggðist ("How Norway was inhabited") * Fundinn Noregr ("Foundation of Norway") * Af Upplendinga konungum ("Of the Kings of the Uplands")