Framed (TV series)

Framed is a ITV television drama series that ran for one four-part series in 1992, an adaptation from the novel written by Lynda La Plante, who also wrote the television screenplay. La Plante, known for her hit television series Prime Suspect, wrote Framed as a four x 60 minute drama, however for its broadcast in the United States, it was edited down into one, feature-length special, just 120 mins long (cutting out most of the first episode, filmed in Spain and various scenes of Morrissey and Apsion from the other episodes). The series was produced by Anglia Television in association with A&E Network Television & Tesauro Productions for the ITV network, and it was broadcast from 27 November to 18 December 1992.

Framed (TV series)

Framed is a ITV television drama series that ran for one four-part series in 1992, an adaptation from the novel written by Lynda La Plante, who also wrote the television screenplay. La Plante, known for her hit television series Prime Suspect, wrote Framed as a four x 60 minute drama, however for its broadcast in the United States, it was edited down into one, feature-length special, just 120 mins long (cutting out most of the first episode, filmed in Spain and various scenes of Morrissey and Apsion from the other episodes). The series was produced by Anglia Television in association with A&E Network Television & Tesauro Productions for the ITV network, and it was broadcast from 27 November to 18 December 1992.