Francesco Lippi

Blessed Francesco Lippi (3 December 1211 – 11 December 1291) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious from the Carmelites. He lived his life as a soldier before suffering the loss of sight at which point his healing led him down the path of repentance and into the Carmelites. Lippi was beatified in 1670 after Pope Clement X approved Lippi's longstanding local 'cultus' (or popular devotion).

Francesco Lippi

Blessed Francesco Lippi (3 December 1211 – 11 December 1291) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious from the Carmelites. He lived his life as a soldier before suffering the loss of sight at which point his healing led him down the path of repentance and into the Carmelites. Lippi was beatified in 1670 after Pope Clement X approved Lippi's longstanding local 'cultus' (or popular devotion).