Free the Nipple (film)

Free the Nipple is a 2014 American comedy-drama independent film directed by Lina Esco and written by Hunter Richards. Lina Esco started the "Free the Nipple" campaign after it was nearly impossible to release the film. The campaign addresses societal taboos about public exposure of female breasts; Esco created this film to draw public attention to the issue of gender equality and encourage discussion over America's glorification of violence and repression of sexuality. The Free the Nipple campaign supports feminine body equality and empowerment through social action while working to defeat female body oppression and archaic censorship laws. The film stars Casey LaBow, Monique Coleman, Zach Grenier, Lina Esco, Griffin Newman and Lola Kirke. When in post-production during February 2014, the

Free the Nipple (film)

Free the Nipple is a 2014 American comedy-drama independent film directed by Lina Esco and written by Hunter Richards. Lina Esco started the "Free the Nipple" campaign after it was nearly impossible to release the film. The campaign addresses societal taboos about public exposure of female breasts; Esco created this film to draw public attention to the issue of gender equality and encourage discussion over America's glorification of violence and repression of sexuality. The Free the Nipple campaign supports feminine body equality and empowerment through social action while working to defeat female body oppression and archaic censorship laws. The film stars Casey LaBow, Monique Coleman, Zach Grenier, Lina Esco, Griffin Newman and Lola Kirke. When in post-production during February 2014, the