Freescale S08

The 9S08 (68HCS08 or S08 for short) is a 8-bit microcontroller (µC) family originally from Motorola, now produced by Freescale Semiconductor, descended from the Motorola 6800 microprocessor. It is a CISC microcontroller. The 9S08 devices are more powerful and usually less expensive than the aging 68HC05 microcontrollers, and are found in almost any type of embedded systems. The larger members, which include an MMU, offer up to 128KB of paged flash, and 8KB of RAM. The paging scheme used allows for a theoretical maximum of 4MB of flash.

Freescale S08

The 9S08 (68HCS08 or S08 for short) is a 8-bit microcontroller (µC) family originally from Motorola, now produced by Freescale Semiconductor, descended from the Motorola 6800 microprocessor. It is a CISC microcontroller. The 9S08 devices are more powerful and usually less expensive than the aging 68HC05 microcontrollers, and are found in almost any type of embedded systems. The larger members, which include an MMU, offer up to 128KB of paged flash, and 8KB of RAM. The paging scheme used allows for a theoretical maximum of 4MB of flash.